Vem är Andreas?

I am a guy who comes from Sweden and has moved to the beautiful city of Vasa.

Since I was young, photography and small film productions in action sports, music and real estate etc. been closest to the heart. After I got a family, children and pets, the camera has been directed more towards them and a new knowledge opened up. The interest in becoming good at capturing memories was created.

Now after many years as a parent and with children who have grown up, I have had more time for my interest. Being able to create and help someone get an image that can provide warmth and memories for life, that's what I'm passionate about.

Until then, I work as a photographer alongside my job as a carpenter at Aveo Bygg. Luckily, the best times for photography are during the spring, summer and early fall when the days are long and it's bright outside. The best light is when the sun is rising and when it is going down.

Music has been with me all my life. I have sat and played with my guitar by fires on surf trips by the beach, stood on stage with various bands, troubadoured at parties and bars, etc. After a break I'm playing again and it's super fun to meet people and give them music. Music goes hand in hand with photography and filming. If there is no music, everything in the world becomes empty and flat. I myself listen to all kinds of music in order to gain more knowledge in images, colors and movements, because in music all this is created. These days I often get a song in my head when I'm shooting. This creates a picture scene that I usually share with the customer if they can't find it themselves. In this way, I create unique images that become cinematic and memories for life.